Thursday, June 23, 2011

The raven

Link to The Raven:

lesson plan

Title: Imagery and Comprehension in The Raven (Poe)
1.       Gain Attention: Eyes on me in 5,4,3,2,1 (insert double clap between numbers)
2.       Establish Purpose:
a.       Students will be able to demonstrate comprehension the narrative content of The Raven.
b.      Students will be able to demonstrate comprehension of the emotional imagery in The Raven.
3.       Stimulate Recall of Prior Learning: We’ve been discussing imagery and how imagery can elicit feeling.  For example, the dark winter imagery in Stopping By Woods on a snowy evening represent the speakers depression by Frost.
a.       Ask students for another imagery example and the feeling involved.
4.       Present Content: Talk of Poe’s unhappy life and his fame for macabre.
5.       Guided Learning:
a.       Student’s read Poe Raven Handout
b.      Students listen to Raven reading on youtube and write down plot points per verse.
c.       Explain evaluation sheet.
d.      Explain technology
6.       Elicit Performance practice
a.       Create cartoon
7.       Provide feedback: Student’s review each other’s cartoons via evaluation sheet.
8.       Assess Performance:
a.       Teacher assesses final product (considers student evaluations)
9.       Enhance Retention:
a.       The images around us affect how we feel and interpret the world.   
                                                               i.      Pick 5 “images” in your house.  What are they? Describe what you think/feel when you look at them.
                                                             ii.      Do they support what you want to achieve or not?
                                                            iii.      Are they shaping how you want to view the world or not? 

TPACK Presentation

Friday, June 17, 2011

First post

Now I will shift everything school-related over from my other blog to this one.  Yeah!