Friday, July 29, 2011


Welcome Readers! Today’s post is about a technology I just learned of via @DellEDU. The technology is called FlickrFly and it allows you to link Flickr photos with Google Earth. Once this is done, viewers can “fly” to the place on the planet where the photo was taken.

I decided to write about this technology for two reasons: 1) most of my posts have not been about technology, so it was about time. 2) This actually is kind of neat stuff. Not only is Flicker not owned by Google, Flickr is owned by Google competitor Yahoo. It is amazing that the Web 2.0 world is demanding and ubiquitous enough to (at least for now) rise above this conflict in the form of linked technologies.

From an education standpoint, how wonderful that we get spectacular, far-reaching tools that work across multiple platforms and environments in a few clicks? In the classroom I can see how the Flickr/Google Earth link could be used to create cross-disciplinary projects between Language Arts and Social Studies or History content. Especially because Google Earth has the “location over time” feature, allowing users to see the same spot as it looked previously.

I look forward to using this on my own travel blog!

For full instructions on how to use FlickrFly on your blog, go to:

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