Sunday, July 17, 2011

Free Rice Anyone?

The tweet I am discussing this week led me to Sean Banville’s blog posting “10 ideas for teachers to change the world. No 5. Exercise your cyber-power.” While none of the ideas in this blog were revolutionary (e.g.: facebook, get a cause), I liked that it provided attainable suggestions for teachers new to incorporating cyber into the classroom. Some of the other tweets I read assumed a significant technology base. Although I like technology well enough, I prefer the concept of starting with a simple inclusion since I am new to teaching. I can incorporate the grand technology projects after I’ve got the teaching thing better in-hand.
Anyway, back to the article…the most useful suggestion in the article was to introduce me to As a future language arts teacher this wonderful merging of cause and vocabulary will be genuinely useful in the classroom. Plus it’s great that freerice does not require a project or 2-week unit to get the students involved. We could even have a competition between the students for who donates the most rice. Plus it gives me the idea of all sorts of other learning we could set up as more interactive (parts of speech, types of writing, etc). Overall, a nice article for simple suggestions.

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